I was pretty late coming out. Officially, the 23rd of June 2005, at the age of 31. Most of my close friends all knew, although for me it was like shedding a great weight from my shoulders. Something I had shrouded myself in for years. The word GAY held me still and in some way paralysed me for so many years. I believe now, looking back that I had internalised homophobia. I remember I'd flinch at the word. I'd constantly questioned whether I was normal or some sort of freak that was going against nature. Its bizarre how much time we can waste caught inside our own prison, or more appropriately, in this case the closest. So, it all came about one Summer Solstice on top of the Hill of Tara. I had gone there in the late evening with my house-mates. It was the first time I had experienced Tara at this super special occasion. There was such a vibrance and energy about the place. Kids running in circles and people everywhere smiling and chatting. Its quite a magical feelin...
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